

Education for children in Uganda is the gateway to leaving behind extreme poverty and becoming not only self-sufficient but acquiring the ability to support their families. Here is an example

Joan Malugwa was an orphan with a very bleak future. BkB sponsored through her schooling, and she now runs a thriving dressmaking business in Kampala

Joan is one of many examples of successful sponsorship of children in dire circumstances that have been helped by Bega kwa Bega.

Bega kwa Bega sponsors orphans through nursery, primary and secondary school and into further education. Educating children is expensive, so Bega kwa Bega asks for help from sponsors to cover the basic costs by providing an donation of at least £96 per year.

On this page we will describe the process for becoming a sponsor, and how you will be kept updated in the future as your child progresses through school. Many sponsored orphans have progressed right through to University and now have highly productive careers.

Selection of Child

The Bega kwa Bega team in Uganda work with people In the villages to identify orphans that would benefit from sponsorship for their education.

An information pack is prepared which includes a current photograph, a letter from the orphan, and if they are at school, the most recent school report. This pack will be sent to you by the Sponsorship Coordinator as a potential sponsor.

If you accept a child to sponsor, the child will then be assigned to you with a reference number, please use that reference number to enable Bega kwa Bega to allocate the funds correctly.

Arranging payment of the Sponsorship

The current suggested sponsorship figure of £96 per year for orphans in Primary School can be paid annually, or, for example, by 12 monthly payments of £8.

The most cost-effective method for payment is for you to set up a Standing Order for payment into the Bega kwa Bega bank account, using the BkB Bank details below. If you are unable to set up a standing order, please contact the BkB Treasurer, see below, and an alternative will be arranged.

Standing Order Other payment methods
BkB Bank details  BkB Treasurer contact details
Sort Code: 30-94-28  
Account number: 03029828 
Account Name: Bega kwa Bega Uganda 
Reference: <Assigned Reference number>
William Pratley
2 Honey Way
Walters Ash
High Wycombe
Bucks HP14 4TT
Please include the assigned reference number in the optional Reference details the Bank asks you for, so that the Treasurer can allocate the funds correctly Please include the assigned Reference number in your communications with the BkB Treasurer

Gift Aid

If you are a tax payer, donating through Gift Aid means Bega kwa Bega can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.

The Sponsorship Coordinator will send you a Gift Aid declaration form for you to sign and return so that your child can benefit from the extra that HMRC allows Bega kwa Bega to claim. Please send the form to the Treasurer (see above), as the Treasurer needs to keep the record.

Please note that under current legislation, you can only complete a gift aid declaration form if you are a taxpayer. Your tax liability will be reduced by 20% of the amount you donate and you can claim this back annually from HMRC or have it adjusted in your tax code.  

Annual Updates

At the end of each academic year, the team in Uganda prepare an update pack for the sponsor, with a current photograph of your child, the school report on the child’s academic progress, and a letter from the sponsored child. This pack is sent in November to the sponsor, together with recent material about BkB , such as the Annual report, a Newsletter or publicity material.